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About Diet World

Diet World provides a personalized diet package. We deal in short- and long-term plans according to the client’s comfort. One diet chart has to be followed for 10 days. On the 11th day, after watching the client's weight and other profile patterns new diet chart is provided. Special diet recipes, walking, and exercise are provided to achieve tightened and glowing skin.

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Our Story

At Diet World, we believe that proper nutrition is the key to a healthier and happier life. Our founder, Dt. Harleen Kaur, has always been passionate about food and nutrition. After completing her M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition, she realized that there was a significant gap between people's knowledge of nutrition and their actual dietary habits. She decided to establish Diet World to help people bridge this gap and lead a healthier life. Our team of experienced and certified dietitians work closely with our clients to create a personalized diet plan that works for them. We understand that every person is different and has unique dietary needs. That's why we conduct a thorough assessment of our clients' previous medical profile and dietary patterns to create a customized and effective plan for each person. At Diet World, we believe that healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or tasteless. We offer healthy cooking and meal planning services that are tailored to your taste and preferences. Our goal is to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable for you.


Image by Charles Gaudreault

Diet Plans for the Gym

Harleen is a registered dietitian who specializes in creating personalized diet plans for people who are looking to improve their fitness at the gym. She understands that everyone's needs are different, so she takes the time to get to know each of her clients and create a plan that is tailored to their individual goals.

Image by Alexander Mils

Detox Program

Harleen's detox programs are based on sound nutritional principles and include plenty of healthy foods that will help her clients cleanse their bodies and improve their overall health. She also provides her clients with support and guidance throughout the process, so they can stay on track and achieve their desired results.

Healthy Diet

Therapeutic Plan

Therapeutic plan follow-up leads to effective control of diabetes, lipid profile, anemia and other mentioned therapeutic conditions. This plan rejuvenates the inner you, raising the immunity levels with clients experiencing the healing of the inner self.

Smoothie Ingredients

Learn How to Eat & Be Disciplined

Low-calorie and delicious recipes are provided via recipe booklet which ensures highly satisfactory results.

Checking Weight

Weight Maintenance

After desired weight loss, the last diet chart is of weight maintenance which stabilizes the weight so that the client does not face the problem of weight gain again.

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Diet For Everyone

Harleen understands that everyone's dietary needs are different, depending on their age, sex, lifestyle patterns, and individual and religious preferences. That's why she offers a variety of dietary plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each individual.

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